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Mommy's Little Girl

19 March, 2016

Mommy's Little Girl: Casey Anthony and her Daughter Caylee's Tragic Fate is a 2009 biographical true crime book by novelist Diane Fanning about 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's disappearance from her Florida home in July 2008. This was the first book released about the case.

关于Mommy's Little Girl

A girl finally finds happiness after growing up in a loveless home, and refuses to let anyone take it from her in this Lifetime original movie.

Mommy's Little Girl的成就

Production of the film took place in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and was made for a budget of approximately $1.5 million.

您不知道Mommy's Little Girl的热门事实

Non-fiction books about murders in the United States.. Novels set in Orlando, Florida.. Non-fiction crime books.. American biographies.
