Sadie's Last Days on Earth is a Canadian comedy film directed by Michael Seater, and starring Morgan Taylor Campbell, Clark Backo, Ricardo Hoyos, Munro Chambers and Paula Brancati. The plot follows a teenager who is convinced that the end of the world is waxing and creates a survival and to-do list.

导演 Michael Seater
Produced by Jessica Adams, Paula Brancati, Michael Seater
Writer(s) Lauren Collins, Michael Seater
Starring Morgan Taylor Campbell, Clark Backo, Ricardo Hoyos, Munro Chambers, Paula Brancati
Music Anthony Brancati
Cinematography Kristin Fieldhouse
Edited by Haya Waseem
Production, companies BrancSeater Productions
Distributed by A71 Entertainment, Shaftesbury Sales Company
Released Dec 9, 2016
Running time 90 minutes
Country Canada
Language English

关于Sadie's Last Days on Earth

Sadie has two weeks to learn how to survive the coming apocalypse she believes in. She also has two weeks to try to get in a normal high school experience.

Sadie's Last Days on Earth的成就

Lola Flanery is known for her work in Last Chance For Christmas.

您不知道Sadie's Last Days on Earth的热门事实

Films about earthquakes.. Films based on urban legends.. Films set in Toronto.. Apocalyptic films.. Films shot in Toronto.
