Wonder Park is a 2019 computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies, with Ilion Animation Studios handling animation. The plot follows a young girl who encounters a real version of her magical amusement park, run by talking animals. The film stars the voice talents of newcomer Brianna Denski, and Matthew Broderick, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell, Kenan Thompson, Ken Jeong, Mila Kunis, John Oliver, Kath Soucie, Norbert Leo Butz and Kevin Chamberlin. The film was directed by former Pixar animator Dylan Brown in his directorial debut; while he was involved through most of the production period, Paramount Pictures dismissed him in January 2018, citing "inappropriate and unwanted conduct". Wonder Park was released in 2D and 3D formats in the United States on March 15, 2019, by Paramount Pictures. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the animation and voice acting but criticized the story and tone.
导演 | Dylan Brown |
Produced by | Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec, Kendra Halland |
Screenplay by | Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec |
Story by | Robert Gordon, Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec |
Starring | Jennifer Garner, Matthew Broderick, John Oliver, Mila Kunis, Kenan Thompson, Ken Jeong, Norbert Leo Butz, Brianna Denski, Ken Hudson Campbell |
Music | Steven Price |
Cinematography | Juan García González |
Edited by | Edie Ichioka |
Distributed by | Paramount Pictures |
Released | March 15, 2019 (United States), April 12, 2019 (Spain) |
Running time | 85 minutes |
Country | United States, Spain |
Language | English |
Budget | $80–100 million |
Box office | $119.6 million |
关于Wonder Park
The imagination of creative girl June comes alive when she visits an amazing amusement park. It is directed by Cow and Chicken creator David Feiss and co-directed by Clare Kilner and Robert Iscove.
Wonder Park的成就
The American-Spanish film is produced by Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies. A TV series based on the film would debut on Nickelodeon later in 2019.
您不知道Wonder Park的热门事实
Spanish children's films.. Paramount Animation films.. Films set in parks.. Nickelodeon animated films.. Nickelodeon Movies films.. Paramount Pictures animated films.. Films set in amusement parks.. American computer-animated films.. Animated adventure films.. American 3D films.. 2010s American animated films.. Animated comedy films.. American fantasy adventure films.