关于American Family

PBS series that follows the lives of a Latino family in Los Angeles, Jess Gonzalez and his five children. It was the first television drama series featuring a predominantly Latino cast.

American Family的成就

The series is sometimes called American Family: Journey of Dreams.

您不知道American Family的热门事实

American family structure The traditional family structure in the United States is considered a family support system.... An American Family An American television documentary filmed from May 30 through December 31, 1971 and first.... American Family (2002 TV series) A PBS series created by Gregory Nava that follows the lives of a Latino family in Los Angeles.. American Family (artwork exhibition) A Jamaican-American artist, photographer, lecturer, political activist and curator.. "An American Family" (song) A song written by Bob Corbin, and recorded by American country music group The Oak Ridge Boys.. "An American Family" (Brothers & Sisters) The second season of Brothers & Sisters consisted of only 16 episodes due to the 2007–2008.... The Beach Boys: An American Family A 2000 miniseries written by Kirk Ellis and directed by Jeff Bleckner.
