Big Top Academy is a musical children's TV show, that aired on TVO Kids throughout 2018 and 2019. The show stars a lengthy children's ensemble, including Drew Davis, Cameron Andres, Ava Ro, Liam Patenaude, Madison Brydges, Ellowyn Stanton, Riley O'Donnell, Samson Boldizar, Ana Elizaga Tecuapetla and Carson MacCormac. The 52 episodes of the show started airing on June 10, 2018 on TVO Kids, and has also aired on Pop. The show can also be streamed on Hulu. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Big Top Academy: School's Out Edition started production, filming from the cast's houses. This 26 episodes of the reboot aired on TVO Kids and Pop Player, in 2020.
Written by | Leila Basen, Lisa Hunter |
Directed by | Guillaume Lonergan, Francois Gingras |
Starring | Drew Davis, Cameron Andres, Ava Ro, Liam Patenaude, Madison Brydges, Ellowyn Stanton, Riley O'Donnell, Samson Boldizar |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
Cinematography | Jean-Sébastien Desrosiers, Jean-Philippe Parizeau, Jonathan Decostes, Michel St-Martin |
Editor(s) | Sylvain Laliberté, Martin Chenier |
Production company(s) | Apartment 11 Productions |
Original network | TVO Kids |
关于Big Top Academy
Series centered around a group of young acrobats who dream of becoming professional circus artists.
Big Top Academy的成就
The show was put on by the multimedia production division of Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group. It was made in association with TVOkids and premiered on both TVOkids Canada and Discovery Kids Latin America.