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Drawn Together

Comedy Central
27 October, 2004
Drawn Together

Drawn Together is an American adult animated television sitcom created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein and premiered on Comedy Central on October 27, 2004. The series is a parody of The Real World and follows the misadventures of the housemates in the fictional show of the same name and uses a sitcom format with a reality TV show setting. The show's main characters are a combination of personalities that were recognisable and familiar prior to the series. Differently, however, Drawn Together used caricatures of established cartoon characters and stock characters. In addition, their character traits parody personality types that are typically seen in reality TV shows. Comedy Central advertised it as the first animated reality TV series, and in some episodes, the characters participate in challenges that are similar to reality TV challenges, although the premise is largely dropped in later episodes. After three seasons, the show was cancelled.

Genre Off-color humor, Dark comedy, Parody, Animated sitcom, Satire
Created by Dave Jeser, Matt Silverstein
Developed by Dave Jeser, Matt Silverstein, Jordan Young
Voices of Tara Strong, Jess Harnell, Cree Summer, Adam Carolla, Abbey DiGregorio, Jack Plotnick, James Arnold Taylor
Composer(s) Eban Schletter
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes 36
Executive producer(s) Dave Jeser, Matt Silverstein, Bill Freiberger, Gregg Vanzo (animation)
Producer(s) J. Michael Mendel, Claudia Katz
Running time 22–23 minutes (without commercials)
Production company(s) Double Hemm, Rough Draft Studios, Comedy Partners
Distributor MTV Networks
Original network Comedy Central

关于Drawn Together

Considered to be the first animated reality show where typical "reality" casting is put in place and conflict ensues. Character types are based on well known animated character types and tropes.

Drawn Together的成就

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! was released in April 2010 in response to cancellation. The show lasted 36 episodes in three seasons. 

您不知道Drawn Together的热门事实

The Joe Schmo Show,"A reality show that's not real".. Total Drama, a Canadian animated TV series that parodies reality television.. Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, a Japanese animation with many styling cues of American animation and inspired by Drawn Together.. Reality television series parodies.. Metafictional television series.
