The third season of Fargo, an American anthology dark comedy–crime drama television series created by Noah Hawley, premiered on April 19, 2017, on the basic cable network FX. The season had ten episodes, and its initial airing concluded on June 21, 2017. As an anthology, each Fargo season possesses its own self-contained narrative, following a disparate set of characters in various settings, albeit in a connected shared universe. The third season is set primarily between 2010 and 2011, in three Minnesota towns: St. Cloud, Eden Valley, and Eden Prairie, and is the only season not to feature the titular Fargo, North Dakota. It follows the lives of a couple, Ray Stussy and Nikki Swango, who, after unsuccessfully trying to rob Ray's brother Emmit, become involved in a double murder case. One of the victims is an old man with a mysterious past whose stepdaughter, Gloria Burgle, is a policewoman.
Starring | Ewan McGregor, Carrie Coon, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Goran Bogdan, David Thewlis |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Original network | FX |
关于Fargo (season 3)
Set in Fargo, North Dakota, a series of crimes set around the Stussy brothers.
Fargo (season 3)的成就
Billy Bob Thornton appeared in season one of the show, and narrated the fourth episode of this season. It's the only season not set in Fargo itself.
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Fratricide in fiction.