Animated series about a high school student who discovers Jeannie's bottle while surfing. It was a spin-off of the 1960's television sitcom I Dream of Jeannie.
Hanna-Barbera founders William Hanna and Joseph Barbera were executive producers.
Jeannie (I Dream of Jeannie) An American fantasy and comedy sitcom starring Barbara Eden as a 2,000-year-old genie and Larry.... Jeannie (TV series) A 30-minute Saturday morning animated series and a spin-off based on the 1965–1970 NBC.... Jeannie (film) A 1941 British romantic comedy film directed by Harold French.. Jeannie Hopkirk A fictional character from the 1969 ITC British cult paranormal series Randall and Hopkirk.. Jeannie River A river located in Far North Queensland, Australia.. Jeannie (given name) Meanings A list of people.