Just Shoot Me! is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from March 4, 1997 to November 26, 2003, with a total of 148 half-hour episodes spanning seven seasons. The show was created by Steven Levitan, the show's executive producer. The show is set at the office of fictional fashion magazine Blush, comparable to the real-life Vogue. The show's story is about several staff at the magazine, including Jack Gallo, the owner and publisher, his daughter Maya, a writer for the magazine, secretary Dennis, former model and now-fashion correspondent Nina, and photographer Elliot.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Steven Levitan |
Starring | Laura San Giacomo, George Segal, Wendie Malick, Enrico Colantoni, David Spade, Chris Hogan, Rena Sofer |
Theme music composer | Korban Kraus, John Adair, Steve Hampton |
Ending theme | "Life Keeps Bringin' Me Back to You", (vocals by Lauren Wood) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 148 |
Executive producer(s) | Steven Levitan, Brad Grey, Bernie Brillstein (entire series), Marsh McCall, Don Woodard, Tom Maxwell (all, season 4), David Guarascio & Moses Port (seasons 5–6), Pamela Fryman (seasons 5–7), Judd Pillot & John Peaslee, Jon Pollack, Kevin C. Slattery (season 7) |
Camera setup | Videotape, Multi-camera |
Running time | approx. 22–23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Brillstein-Grey Communications, (1997–1998), (seasons 1–2), Brillstein-Grey Entertainment, (1998–1999), (seasons 3–4), Brad Grey Television, (1999–2003), (seasons 4–7), Universal Television, (1999–2003), (seasons 4–7), Steven Levitan Productions, Columbia Pictures Television, (1997–1998), (seasons 1–3), Columbia TriStar Television, (1998–2002), (seasons 3–7), Sony Pictures Television, (2002–2003), (season 7) |
Distributor | Columbia TriStar Television Distribution, (2001), Columbia TriStar Domestic Television, (2001–2002), Sony Pictures Television, (2002–present) |
Original network | NBC |
关于Just Shoot Me!
Follows the day to day work life of a magazine company where conflicts grow heated, especially after the boss hires his daughter to work for him.
Just Shoot Me!的成就
The show lasted seven seasons and 148 episodes. It was nominated for six Emmys including Outstanding Supporting Actor and Actress in a Comedy Series in 1999.
您不知道Just Shoot Me!的热门事实
Fashion-themed television series.