Leo Little's Big Show is a Disney Channel short television series featuring a boy named Leo Little and his sister, Amy Little, who host a show from their family room about Disney stars, movies and programs, in a manner very similar to its predecessor, Mike's Super Short Show. It began airing on February 26, 2009, replacing Disney's Really Short Report.
Created by | Art Spigel |
Starring | Leo Howard, G. Hannelius |
Opening theme | Leo Little's Big Show |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 14 |
Producer(s) | Jason Wolk |
Running time | approx. 2 minutes (TV) / 4 minutes (Web) |
Distributor | Disney–ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Disney Channel |
Preceded by | Disney's Really Short Report |
Followed by | Hit Play |
关于Leo Little's Big Show
Short-form TV series featuring a brother and sister who host a show from their family room about all things Disney.
Leo Little's Big Show的成就
Emily Osment and Tiffany Thornton were a couple of recurring guest stars on the series.
您不知道Leo Little's Big Show的热门事实
2000s American children's television series.. Television series by Disney.