My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they have become commonplace, but who still dreams of becoming a superhero himself. He is scouted by All Might, Japan's greatest hero, who chooses Midoriya as his successor and shares his Quirk with him after recognizing his potential, and later helps to enroll him in a prestigious high school for heroes in training. The series has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014, with its chapters additionally collected into 30 tankōbon volumes as of April 2021. The series has also inspired numerous spin-off manga, such as My Hero Academia Smash!!, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes and My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, as well as an anime television series by Bones.
关于My Hero Academia
Anime series developed from the adventure manga of the same name which follows a boy born without superpowers in a world where they are the norm.
My Hero Academia的成就
Studio Bones produced the anime series. The show began airing on Cartoon Network's Toonami in May of 2018.
您不知道My Hero Academia的热门事实
Musicals based on anime and manga.. Superhero schools.. Harvey Award winners.. Bones (studio).. Toonami.. Viz Media manga.. Shueisha manga.