Tarzan & Jane is an animated comedy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, Released on July 23, 2002, it is a direct-to-video sequel to the Disney's 1999 animated feature Tarzan, and uses three unaired episodes of the film's corresponding television series, The Legend of Tarzan. Tarzan II, a followup to the original film, was released in 2005. The film is set one year after the events of the first film. With the exceptions of Erik Von Detten and Jason Marsden as Flynt and Mungo respectively, none of the actors from the original film reprised their roles.
导演 | Victor Cook, Steve Loter |
Produced by | Steve Loter |
Screenplay by | Mirith J. Colao, John Behnke, Rob Humphrey, Jim Peterson, Jess Winfield |
Based on | The Legend of Tarzan, by Walt Disney Television |
Starring | Michael T. Weiss, Olivia d'Abo, Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings, Grey DeLisle, John O'Hurley, Tara Strong, April Winchell, Nicollette Sheridan |
Music | Patrick Griffin, Don Harper, Dave Metzger |
Edited by | John Royer |
Production, company | Walt Disney Television Animation |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Home Entertainment |
Released | July 23, 2002 |
Running time | 75 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
关于Tarzan and Jane
A teenage Tarzan given supernatural powers after being saved from a plane crash enlists the help of city girl Jane to protect his jungle home from threats.
Tarzan and Jane的成就
The series is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' 1912 novel Tarzan of the Apes. It was developed by Avi Arad.
您不知道Tarzan and Jane的热门事实
Animated romance films.. Tarzan films.. DisneyToon Studios animated films.. Disney direct-to-video animated films.. Love stories.. 2000s romance films.. Animated adventure films.. Films set in Africa.. Films set in the 1900s.. 2000s American animated films.. Direct-to-video sequel films.. American fantasy adventure films.