The Crystal Maze is a British game show devised by Jacques Antoine, based upon his format for the French game show Fort Boyard, and produced for Channel 4. The programme focuses on teams of contestants, a mixed group of men and women, attempting a range of challenges to earn time required to help them complete one final challenge, which if completed successfully earns them a prize. The premise of the show is themed around challenges set to different periods of human history within a fictional labyrinth of time and space, and is notable for the use of golf ball-sized Swarovski glass crystals as a reward for each challenge successfully completed by contestants, and lock-in conditions for contestants that ran out of time or broke a three-strikes rule on a challenge. The Crystal Maze originally consisted of six series, including five Christmas specials involving teams of children, which aired between 15 February 1990 to 10 August 1995.
Genre | Game show |
Created by | Jacques Antoine |
Based on | Fort Boyard |
Presented by | British series, Richard O'Brien (1990–1993, 2016), Ed Tudor-Pole (1993–1995), Stephen Merchant (2016), Richard Ayoade (2017–), American series, Adam Conover (2020) |
Starring | Sandra Caron (1990–93), Dennis Price (1994–95), Maureen Lipman (2016), Adam Buxton (2017–), Jessica Hynes (2017) |
Theme music composer | Zack Laurence |
Opening theme | "Force Field" |
Ending theme | "Force Field" |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 6 (original), 3 (revival), 1 (American) |
No. of episodes | 83 (original, inc. 5 specials), 1 (2016 SU2C special), 45 (revival), 10 (American) |
Location(s) | Lee International Studios, Shepperton (1990), Aces High Studio, North Weald Airfield (1991–95), The Crystal Maze Live Experience, London (2016), The Bottle Yard Studios, Bristol (2017–) |
Running time | 60 minutes (inc. adverts) |
Production company(s) | Chatsworth Television (1990–95), Fizz in association with Little Lion Entertainment (2016), Fizz and RDF West (2017–) |
Distributor | Banijay |
Original network | Channel 4, E4 (2020) |
Picture format | 576i (4:3) (1990–95), 1080p (16:9) (2016–) |
Related shows | Jungle Run |
关于The Crystal Maze
Contestants participate in a range of challenges that are set within a labyrinth consisting of four time zones. Each team must work together to collect gold tokens to win a prize.
The Crystal Maze的成就
The show was created by Jacques Antoine. Stephen Merchant once hosted a one-off celebrity edition of the show called Stand Up to Cancer. The show was revived in June of 2017 after going off the air in August of 1995.
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Television series by RDF Media Group.. Channel 4 game shows.. British game shows.