The Most Popular Girls in School is an American adult stop-motion animated comedy web series that debuted on YouTube on May 1, 2012. Created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss, the series animates Barbie, Ken and other fashion dolls, usually with customized costumes and hairstyles, as various characters. MPGIS follows the exploits of a fictional high school cheer leading team in Overland Park, Kansas and their friends, family and enemies. Variety described the series as "Mean Girls meets South Park". The first episode has been viewed over nine million times, and many episodes have received views in the millions. In April 2013, MPGIS parodied the viral email rant of Delta Gamma sorority member Rebecca Martinson by having the character Brittnay Matthews reenact the so-called "Deranged Sorority Girl Email". The MPGIS video went viral itself.
Genre | Animation, Comedy, Stop-motion |
Created by | Mark Cope, Carlo Moss |
Starring | Kate Frisbee, Lily Vonnegut, Garrett Mendez, Andrew Delman, Carlo Moss, Haley Mancini, Afton Quast |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 82 |
Executive producer(s) | Mark Cope, Carlo Moss, Tiffany L. Gray, Lily Vonnegut |
Producer(s) | Lily Vonnegut (seasons 1–4) |
Production company(s) | Extra Credit Studios, Universal Cable Productions (season 5) |
Original network | YouTube |
关于The Most Popular Girls in School
Stop-motion animated series featuring Barbie, Ken and other fashion dolls which follows the exploits of a fictional high school cheerleading team. It was created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss.
The Most Popular Girls in School的成就
The series was a 2015 Streamy nominee for Costume Design. The first episode of the show was watched more than nine million times.
您不知道The Most Popular Girls in School的热门事实
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story - Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story is a 1987 American experimental short biographical film that portrays the last 17 years of singer Karen Carpenter's life, as she struggled with anorexia. Directed by Todd Haynes, the film uses Barbie dolls as actors, as well as documentaries and artistic footage.. Kansas in fiction.