The stab-in-the-back myth was an antisemitic conspiracy theory, widely believed and promulgated in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918. The belief was that the German Army did not lose World War I on the battlefield but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front, especially Jews, revolutionary socialists who fomented strikes and labor unrest, and other republican politicians who had overthrown the Hohenzollern monarchy in the German Revolution of 1918–1919. Advocates of the myth denounced the German government leaders who had signed the Armistice on 11 November 1918 as the "November criminals". When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in 1933, they made the legend an integral part of their official history of the 1920s, portraying the Weimar Republic as the work of the "November criminals" who had "stabbed the nation in the back" in order to seize power.
About November Criminals
A teenager undergoes an investigation of the murder of his friend. The film is based on the 2010 novel The November Criminals by Sam Munson.
Achievement of November Criminals
The film is directed by Sacha Gervasi. It was written by Gervasi and Steven Knight.
Top Facts You Did Not Know About November Criminals
Austria victim theory - The Victim Theory, encapsulated in the slogan"Austria – the Nazis' first victim", was the ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s.. Causes of World War II - The causes of World War II, a global war from 1939 to 1945 that was the deadliest conflict in human history, have been given considerable attention by historians from many countries who studied and understood them.. Centre for the Study of the Causes of the War - The Centre for the Study of the Causes of the War was a think tank based in Berlin, funded by the German government, whose sole purpose was to disseminate the official government position that Germany was the victim of Allied aggression in 1914, and hence the alleged moral invalidity of the.... Defeatism - Defeatism is the acceptance of defeat without struggle, often with negative connotations. It can be linked to pessimism in psychology.. Genocide justification - Genocide justification is the claim that a genocide is morally excusable or necessary, in contrast to genocide denial, which rejects that genocide occurred.. Holocaust inversion - Holocaust inversion is the antisemitic act of portrayal of Jews as Nazis, crypto-Nazis, Nazi sympathizers, genocide perpetrators, or Holocaust copycats, thus making Jews out to be morally equivalent to or worse than the perpetrators of the Holocaust, or in some cases blaming them for the.... Antisemitic canards.. Weimar Republic.. German nationalism.. Victimology.. Propaganda legends.. Conspiracy theories involving Jews.. Antisemitism in Germany.. Military history of Germany during World War II.. World War I.
Latest information about November Criminals updated on July 28 2021.