Bayside Shakedown is a Japanese police comedy-drama television series originally broadcast by the Fuji Television group in 1997. The series was developed by Ryoichi Kimizuka and stars Yūji Oda, Toshirō Yanagiba, Eri Fukatsu, Chosuke Ikariya, Miki Mizuno, and Yūsuke Santamaria. In 1998 and 1999, an English-subtitled version of the series was broadcast in the United States on the International Channel, under the title The Spirited Criminal Investigative Network. The series spawned three television films and a stage play, along with six theatrically released films that were produced following the end of the show. The first of the theatrical films, Bayside Shakedown, was released in 1998, and the sixth and final film, Bayside Shakedown The Final, was released in 2012. The first Bayside Shakedown film was a major box office hit in Japan, earning 10.1 billion yen, and was the third highest grossing live-action film in Japanese box office history.
Genre | Police procedural, Comedy-drama |
Developed by | Ryoichi Kimizuka |
Starring | Yūji Oda, Toshirō Yanagiba, Eri Fukatsu, Chosuke Ikariya, Miki Mizuno, Yūsuke Santamaria |
Opening theme | Akihiko Matsumoto, "Rhythm And Police" |
Ending theme | Yūji Oda with Maxi Priest, "Love Somebody" |
Country of origin | Japan |
Original language(s) | Japanese |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 11 |
Producer(s) | Chihiro Kameyama |
Running time | 1 hour |
Distributor | Fuji Television |
Audio format | Stereo |
First shown in | 7 January–18 March 1997 |
Followed by | Bayside Shakedown: The Movie |
Over Bayside Shakedown
An officer at the Wangan Precinct of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department receives a promotion from traffic cop to detective. He receives his first assignment, a brazen murder, which he must solve while wading through the political turmoil at work. The film was directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro.
Prestaties van Bayside Shakedown
The film is an adaptation of the 1997 television series of the same name. It was produced by the
Fuji Television Network.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Bayside Shakedown
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in fiction.. Japanese comedy television series.. Police procedural television series.
Laatste informatie over Bayside Shakedown bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.