Dance Camp is an American comedy-drama web film produced exclusively for YouTube Red as an original film, directed by Bert & Bertie and written by Nick Turner and Rex New. The film released on February 10, 2016. The film is produced by AwesomenessTV. The plot is about Hunter who is sent to a dance camp, where he meets a bunch of eclectic misfits. He is eventually inspired to take down a rival dance group led by Lance and along the way also falls in love with Cheyenne.
Over Dance Camp
A teenager falls in love at a dance camp and participates in a dace competition against his rivals.
Prestaties van Dance Camp
The movie is a YouTube Red Original film produced by AwesomenessTV. It was nominated for a WGA Award for Best Children's Script - Long Form or Special in 2017.
Laatste informatie over Dance Camp bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.