The Dead Moon Circus are a group of fictional characters from the Sailor Moon manga series created by Naoko Takeuchi. They serve as the main antagonists of the fourth arc, called Dream in the manga, Sailor Moon SuperS in its first anime adaptation, and Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie in the second anime adaptation. They are first introduced in chapter #34 "Dream 1 – Eclipse Dream", originally published in Japan on September 6, 1995. In the original English dubbed anime, they are called the "Dark Moon Circus". The Dead Moon Circus is led by the twisted Zirconia, in command by the absence of the dark Queen Nehelenia who is trapped within a mirror. Zirconia is searching for the legendary Golden Crystal, which will allow Nehelenia to break free of her entrapment and take over the Earth. They are the only group of villains with two subordinate groups: the Amazon Trio and the Amazoness Quartet.
Publisher | Kodansha |
First appearance | Sailor Moon chapter #34: Dream 1 – Eclipse Dream (September 1995) |
Created by | Naoko Takeuchi |
Base(s) | Dead Moon circus tent |
Leader(s) | Zirconia, Queen Nehelenia |
Member(s) | Amazon Trio, Amazoness Quartet, Xenotime and Zeolite, Lemures |
Over Dead Moon Circus
After hearing of the evil Queen Nehelenia's plan to reclaim earth, the fate of humanity all falls on the shoulders of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers. This movie first premiered in August 2012.
Prestaties van Dead Moon Circus
The movie was based on Naoko Takeuchi's comic book series named after Sailor Moon. Actor Chai Hansen made his professional film debut during this movie.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Dead Moon Circus
Fictional circus performers.. Sailor Moon characters.. Anime and manga characters who use magic.. Fictional kidnappers.. Animated series villains.
Laatste informatie over Dead Moon Circus bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.