Almost Perfect is an American sitcom television series that aired on CBS from September 17, 1995, until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Network Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on Cheers, as well as Wings airing on NBC. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Ken Levine, David Isaacs, Robin Schiff |
Written by | Sue Herring, George McGrath, Robin Schiff |
Directed by | Andy Ackerman, Stan Daniels, Victor Fresco, Kim Friedman, Leonard R. Garner Jr, David Lee, Ken Levine, Philip Charles MacKenzie, Gail Mancuso, Jeffrey Melman, Alan Myerson, Thomas Schlamme, Rob Schiller |
Starring | Nancy Travis, Kevin Kilner, Chip Zien, Matthew Letscher, David Clennon, Lisa Edelstein |
Composer(s) | Bruce Miller |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 34 (6 unaired) |
Executive producer(s) | David Isaacs, Ken Levine, Robin Schiff |
Producer(s) | Larina Adamson, Robin Chamberlin, Linda Teverbaugh, Michael Teverbaugh |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Production company(s) | Robin Schiff Productions, (1996), (season 2), Levine & Isaacs Productions, Paramount Network Television |
Distributor | Paramount Domestic Television, CBS Television Distribution (current) |
Original network | CBS |
Over Almost Perfect
Sitcom focused on the life of a female executive producer of a television cop show. The show featured her family, writing staff and her new relationship with a busy assistant D.A.
Prestaties van Almost Perfect
The series was created by Ken Levine and David Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on Cheers and Wings.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Almost Perfect
Television series about television.
Laatste informatie over Almost Perfect bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.