Art Ninja is a British children's television art-sitcom hybrid hosted by Ricky Martin. The show is produced by Dot to Dot Productions for CBBC and began on 17 January 2015. The series follows presenter Ricky and his life where he makes arts with his friends Rich Thorne, Michelle Ackerley, Gavin "Gav" Strange and Sarah Matthews. Ella Lia Trudgeon and Ricky's dad, Terry Martin also appears in some episodes. Three series of 10 episodes each have been aired. Short compilation episodes are as Nine Minute Ninja. A fifth series was commissioned by CBBC in Spring 2018, which will air in 2019.
Genre | Children's, Art, Sitcom |
Created by | Alan Robinson, Jo Killingley |
Written by | Nick Hutchings, Howard Davidson (2017-present) |
Directed by | Geoff Coward |
Presented by | Ricky Martin |
Starring | Ricky Martin, Gavin Strange, Sarah Matthews, Rich Thorne, Michelle Ackerley, Ella Trudgeon, Terry Martin |
Narrated by | Enn Reitel |
Composer(s) | Dobs Vye |
Country of origin | Britain |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 4 |
No. of episodes | 40 |
Executive producer(s) | Hugh Lawton, Jo Killingley |
Producer(s) | Nick Hutchings, Richard Hunt (2017-present) |
Running time | 28 minutes |
Production company(s) | Dot to Dot Productions |
Distributor | Serious Lunch |
Original network | CBBC |
Picture format | 16:9 1080i |
Audio format | Stereo |
Over Art Ninja
Children's sitcom following Ricky Martin and his life of making art with friends Rich Thorne, Michelle Ackerley, Gavin "Gav" Strange and Sarah Matthews.
Prestaties van Art Ninja
Each episodes follows a sitcom format and includes instructional art segments such as Art Attack or SMart.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Art Ninja
British children's television series.. Television series about art.. BBC television sitcoms.
Laatste informatie over Art Ninja bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.