Bunsen Is a Beast! is an upcoming American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. It is set to premiere in 2017. Bunsen Is a Beast! will be Butch Hartman's fourth animated series for Nickelodeon, after The Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, and T.U.F.F. Puppy, and will be his first flash animated series.
Over Bunsen Is a Beast!
A beast attends a school full of human children and must figure out how to navigate through these murky waters. The show was created by Butch Hartman.
Prestaties van Bunsen Is a Beast!
Jerry Trainor and Cheri Oteri have both guest starred on the show. Chris Hardwick has also provided a guest voice on the show.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Bunsen Is a Beast!
Television series created by Butch Hartman.. Flash television shows.. 2010s Nickelodeon shows.. Upcoming television series.. Flash cartoons.. 2010s American animated television series.
Laatste informatie over Bunsen Is a Beast! bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.