Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese science fiction neo-noir anime television series created and animated by Sunrise, led by a production team of director Shinichirō Watanabe, screenwriter Keiko Nobumoto, character designer Toshihiro Kawamoto, mechanical designer Kimitoshi Yamane, and composer Yoko Kanno. The twenty-six episodes of the series are set in the year 2071, and follow the lives of a traveling bounty hunting crew in their spaceship called the Bebop. Although it incorporates a wide variety of genres throughout its run, Cowboy Bebop draws most heavily from science fiction, western and noir films. Its most prominent thematics include adult existential ennui, loneliness, and the inability to escape one's past. The series premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 3 to June 26, 1998, broadcasting only twelve episodes and a special due to its controversial adult-themed content.
Over Cowboy Bebop
Live action adaptation of Hajime Yatate's hit anime series of the same name. The series follows the exploits of a group of interstellar bounty hunters as they chase criminals across the solar system. The series was adapted by André Nemec.
Prestaties van Cowboy Bebop
A live action remake of Bebop had been discussed in the early 2010's with Keanu Reeves showing interest in portraying the lead character Spike.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop Category.. Television series set in the 2070s.. Mars in television.. Madman Entertainment manga.. Odex.. Cryonics in fiction.. Post-apocalyptic anime and manga.. Existentialist works.. Bandai Visual.. Madman Entertainment anime.. Bandai Entertainment anime titles.. Toonami.. Sunrise (company).. Kadokawa Shoten manga.. Tokyopop titles.. Anime with original screenplays.. Neo-noir.
Laatste informatie over Cowboy Bebop bijgewerkt op 04 November 2021.