Cutting It is a BBC television drama series set in Manchester, England, focusing on the lives and loves of the team running a hairdressing salon. It ran for four series between 2002 and 2005. The show featured a number of actors who have since become established stars, including Amanda Holden and Ben Daniels.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Debbie Horsfield |
Starring | Sarah Parish, Jason Merrells, Angela Griffin, Siân Reeves, Ben Daniels, Amanda Holden, Lucy Gaskell, Cherie Lunghi, Annette Badland, Pearce Quigley, James Murray, Christine Stephen-Daly, Katy Carmichael |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
No. of series | 4 |
No. of episodes | 25 |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Original network | BBC One |
Over Cutting It
Two professional hairdressers have a rivalry that spills beyond the hair salon into everyday things. The show stars Sarah Parish, Jason Merrells, Angela Griffin, Annette Badland, Ben Daniels and Amanda Holden. The show first premiered in April 2002.
Prestaties van Cutting It
There was a German remake version of the series released in 2005.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Cutting It
Television shows set in Manchester.
Laatste informatie over Cutting It bijgewerkt op 22 September 2021.