El Chavo is a Mexican television sitcom created by Roberto Gómez Bolaños, produced by Televisa. It aired as an independent series on February 26, 1973 and finalized January 7, 1980. The series gained enormous popularity in Hispanic America, Brazil, Spain and other countries. The series theme song is "The Elephant Never Forgets" by Jean-Jacques Perrey, based on Ludwig van Beethoven's Turkish March Op. 113. The show follows the adventures and tribulations of the title character—a poor orphan nicknamed "El Chavo", played by the show's creator, Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito"—and his friends, which often cause conflict, of a comedic nature, between the other inhabitants of a fictional low-income housing complex, or, as called in Mexico, vecindad. The idea for the show emerged from a sketch created by Gómez Bolaños where an 8-year-old boy competed with a balloon vendor in a park, said sketch aired for the first time on April 27, 1972.
Genre | Comedy, Slapstick |
Created by | Roberto Gómez Bolaños |
Written by | Roberto Gómez Bolaños, Francisco Gómez Bolaños |
Directed by | Enrique Segoviano, Roberto Gómez Bolaños |
Starring | Roberto Gómez Bolaños, María Antonieta de las Nieves, Carlos Villagran, Ramón Valdés, Florinda Meza, Rubén Aguirre, Édgar Vivar, Angelines Fernández, Horacio Gómez Bolaños, Raúl 'Chato' Padilla |
Theme music composer | Jean-Jacques Perrey |
Opening theme | "The Elephant Never Forgets" |
Country of origin | Mexico |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 330 (372 segments) (51 are lost) |
Producer(s) | Roberto Gómez Bolaños, Carmen Ochoa, Enrique Segoviano, et al. |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Televisa |
Distributor | Televisa, Univision/Saban (USA) |
Picture format | NTSC (480i) |
Audio format | Monaural |
Related shows | El Chapulín Colorado (1973–79), El Chavo Animado (2006–14), 30 Anos de Chaves (2011) |
Netflix ID | 70205634 |
Over El Chavo del Ocho
Mexican sitcom focused on the title character, an orphan, and other inhabitants of a fictional low-income vecindad. Writer and creator Chespirito also starred as the titular character.
Prestaties van El Chavo del Ocho
The series was a hit in Latin America, Spain and the United States. It spawned an animated series called El Chavo Animado. The original show was made available on Netflix.
Top feiten die je niet wist over El Chavo del Ocho
El Chavo del Ocho Category.. 1980s Mexican television series.. 1970s Mexican television series.. Mexican television sitcoms.. Mexican culture.
Laatste informatie over El Chavo del Ocho bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.