Free Rein is a British drama television series created and written by Vicki Lutas and Anna McCleery. It stars Jaylen Barron, Navia Robinson and Freddy Carter. Produced in the UK by Lime Pictures, the ten-part first series premiered on Netflix on 23 June 2017. Although the island where the series is set is fictional and unnamed, it is based on Anglesey, Wales and is referred to as "an island off the coast of England" throughout the programme. The second series premiered on 6 July 2018. Shortly afterwards, Free Rein was renewed for a third series, as well as two feature-length special episodes. Free Rein: The 12 Neighs of Christmas, premiered on 7 December 2018. The second special, Free Rein: Valentine's Day, premiered on 1 February 2019. The third series, consisting of 10 episodes, premiered on 6 July 2019. In January 2021, cast member Céline Buckens confirmed that the series had concluded.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Vicki Lutas, Anna McCleery |
Starring | Jaylen Barron, Freddy Carter, Navia Robinson, Charlotte Jordan, Kerry Ingram, Manpreet Bambra, Bruce Herbelin-Earle, Céline Buckens, Caroline Ford, Carla Woodcock, Martin Bobb-Semple, Joe Ashman, Sadie Simm, Seth Carr, Sanchaez-Rain Li-Brown |
Opening theme | "No Matter" by Basic Tape versus Frances |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 3 |
No. of episodes | 32 |
Executive producer(s) | Rebecca Hodgson, Kate Little, Claire Poyser |
Location(s) | United Kingdom |
Running time | 25–33 minutes, 60 minutes (special episodes) |
Production company(s) | Lime Pictures, Netflix |
Original network | Netflix |
Picture format | 4K (UHDTV) |
Netflix ID | 80134695 |
Over Free Rein
A 15-year-old girl is able to cope with her problems after befriending a horse in the English countryside. The series was created by Vicki Lutas and Anna McCleery.
Prestaties van Free Rein
Milo Twomey and Billy Angel guest-starred in the British series. It won a 2018 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's or Family Viewing Series.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Free Rein
Television series about horses.. Television series about sisters.. Youth culture in the United Kingdom.. Television shows set in the United Kingdom.. Television series by All3Media.. Television series about families.
Laatste informatie over Free Rein bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.