Passions is an American television soap opera that originally aired on NBC from July 5, 1999, to September 7, 2007, and on DirecTV's The 101 Network from September 17, 2007, to August 7, 2008. Created by screenwriter James E. Reilly and produced by NBC Studios, Passions follows the lives, loves and various romantic and paranormal adventures of the residents of Harmony. Storylines center on the interactions among members of its multi-racial core families: the African American Russells, the white Cranes and Bennetts, and half-Mexican half-Irish Lopez-Fitzgeralds. The series also features supernatural elements, which focus mainly on town witch Tabitha Lenox and her doll-come-to life, Timmy. NBC cancelled Passions on January 16, 2007. The series was subsequently picked up by DirecTV. The series aired its final episode on NBC on September 7, 2007, with new episodes continuing on DirectTV's 101 Network starting on September 17.
Genre | Fantasy drama, Soap opera, Comedy-drama |
Created by | James E. Reilly |
Written by | James E. Reilly (Head writer) |
Starring | Passions cast list |
Theme music composer | John Henry Kreitler |
Opening theme | "Breathe" by Jane French |
Ending theme | "Breathe" (instrumental) by Jane French |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 9 |
No. of episodes | 2,231 |
Executive producer(s) | Lisa de Cazotte |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Outpost Farm Productions, NBC Studios, (1999–2004), NBCUniversal Television Studio, (2004–2008), DirecTV Original Entertainment, (2007–2008) |
Original network | NBC (1999–2007), The 101 Network (2007–2008) |
Picture format | 4.3 480i |
Audio format | Stereo |
Over Passions
Soap opera that followed the lives, loves and adventures of the residents of Harmony. The series also featured supernatural elements. It ran nine seasons.
Prestaties van Passions
In 2001, HarperEntertainment released a tie-in novel titled "Hidden Passions: Secrets from the Diaries of Tabitha Lenox."
Top feiten die je niet wist over Passions
New England in fiction.. Television shows set in Maine.. American television soap operas.. Witchcraft in television.. Television series about dysfunctional families.. American fantasy television series.. 2000s American drama television series.
Laatste informatie over Passions bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.