Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following. The premise of the series follows the low-ranking technician Dave Lister, who awakens after being in suspended animation for three million years to find he is the last living human, with no crew on board the mining spacecraft Red Dwarf other than Arnold Rimmer, a hologram of Lister's deceased bunkmate, and Cat, a life form which evolved from Lister's pregnant cat. As of 2020, the cast includes Chris Barrie as Rimmer, Craig Charles as Lister, Danny John-Jules as Cat, Robert Llewellyn as the sanitation droid Kryten, and Norman Lovett as the ship's computer, Holly. To date, twelve series of the show have aired, in addition to The Promised Land. Four novels were published from 1989 to 1996.
Genre | Sitcom, Science fiction |
Created by | Rob Grant, Doug Naylor |
Directed by | Ed Bye (1988–91, 1997–99), Juliet May (1992), Grant Naylor (1992), Andy de Emmony (1993), Doug Naylor (2009–present) |
Starring | Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Norman Lovett, Hattie Hayridge, Robert Llewellyn, Chloë Annett |
Composer(s) | Howard Goodall (1988-2017), Paul Farrer (2020) |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 12, + 1 TV film |
No. of episodes | 74 |
Executive producer(s) | Paul Jackson (1988–89), Doug Naylor (1992–present), Rob Grant (1992–93), Henry Normal (2016–present), Christine Langan (2020) |
Producer(s) | Ed Bye (1988–91, 1997–99), Hilary Bevan-Jones (1992), Justin Judd (1993), Jo Howard and Helen Norman (2009), Richard Naylor (2012–present), Kerry Waddell (2016–present) |
Camera setup | Tape (1988–99), Digital (2009–present), Multi-camera (Series 1–6, 8, 10–present), Single-camera (Series 7, Back to Earth) |
Running time | 28–30 minutes (Series 1–8, 10–12), 25 minutes (per part) (Back to Earth), 90 minutes (The Promised Land) |
Production company(s) | Paul Jackson Productions (1988–89), Grant Naylor Productions (1991–), Baby Cow Productions (2016–) |
Budget | £250,000 per episode |
Original network | BBC Two (1988–99), Dave (2009–present) |
Picture format | 576i (1988–99), 1080p (2009–present) |
Over Red Dwarf
Stranded three million years into deep space on a mining ship called Red Dward, the British sci-fi sitcom tells the tale the last human alive and his friends. It has won Best BBC Comedy Series at the British Comedy Awards.
Prestaties van Red Dwarf
The series was broadcast on BBC Two from 1988 to 1993 and again from 1997 to 1999. A revival series took place in April of 2009 on the channel Dave. It was again picked up by Dave beginning in October of 2012.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf Category.. British sitcom - A British sitcom or a Britcom is a situation comedy programme produced for British television. Although styles of sitcom have changed over the years they tend to be based on a family, workplace or other institution, where the same group of contrasting characters is brought together in each episode.. Space pirates.. Television series set on fictional planets.. Androids in television.. Space adventure television series.. Television series set in the future.. BBC television sitcoms.
Laatste informatie over Red Dwarf bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.