Resident Evil, known in Japan as Biohazard, is a Japanese horror game series and media franchise created by Capcom. It consists of survival horror, third-person shooter and first-person shooter games, with players typically surviving in environments filled with zombies and other creatures. The franchise has expanded into a live-action film series, animated films, television series, comic books, novels, audio dramas, and other media and merchandise. Resident Evil is the highest-grossing horror franchise. The first Resident Evil was created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara and released for the PlayStation in 1996. It is credited for defining the survival horror genre and returning zombies to popular culture. With Resident Evil 4, the franchise shifted to more dynamic shooting action; it influenced the evolution of the survival horror and third-person genres, popularizing the "over-the-shoulder" third-person view.
Creator | Shinji Mikami, Tokuro Fujiwara |
Original work | Resident Evil (1996) |
Owner | Capcom |
Novels | Novel list |
Comics | Comic list |
Films | Live-action series, Animated film list |
Television series | Television list |
Video games | Game list |
Official Website | |
Over Resident Evil
Action horror series based on the hit video game franchise of the same name. After a deadly virus caused a global apocalypse, a woman fights for survival in a world overrun by infected mutations while trying to unravel her family's dark history. The series was developed by Andrew Dabb.
Prestaties van Resident Evil
The show's inaugural season consisted of 8 episodes in total. The pilot is titled "Welcome to New Raccoon City."
Top feiten die je niet wist over Resident Evil
Resident Evil Category.. Dino Crisis, another horror series by Capcom.. Devil May Cry, another series by Capcom, initially conceived as the fourth title in the series.. Onimusha, another series by Capcom with similar gameplay, initially conceived as a spin-off.. The Evil Within, other horror game made by Shinji Mikami.. Biopunk.. Video games adapted into novels.. Capcom franchises.. Human experimentation in fiction.. Video games adapted into films.. Video games about viral outbreaks.. Video games adapted into comics.. Genetic engineering in fiction.. Survival video games.. Horror video games.
Laatste informatie over Resident Evil bijgewerkt op 21 Juli 2022.