Sneaky Pete is an American crime drama series created by David Shore and Bryan Cranston. The series follows Marius Josipović, a released convict who adopts the identity of his cell mate, Pete Murphy, to avoid his past life. The series also stars Marin Ireland, Shane McRae, Libe Barer, Michael Drayer, Peter Gerety and Margo Martindale. The pilot debuted on August 7, 2015 and was followed by a full series order that September. Shore left the project in early 2016 and was replaced by Graham Yost, who served as executive producer and showrunner for the remaining nine episodes. The first season premiered in its entirety on January 13, 2017, exclusively on Prime Video. On January 19, 2017, Amazon announced that Sneaky Pete had been renewed for a second season, which was released on March 9, 2018. On July 28, 2018, Amazon announced that the series had been renewed for a third season, which was released on May 10, 2019. On June 4, 2019, Amazon cancelled the series after three seasons.
Genre | Crime drama |
Created by | David Shore, Bryan Cranston |
Starring | Giovanni Ribisi, Marin Ireland, Shane McRae, Libe Barer, Michael Drayer, Peter Gerety, Margo Martindale, Jane Adams, Efrat Dor |
Opening theme | "Harder Out Here" by, The Bright Light Social Hour |
Composer(s) | Nathan Barr, Stephen Lukach |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 30 |
Executive producer(s) | Graham Yost, Michael Dinner, Fred Golan, Bryan Cranston, Seth Gordon, James Degus, David Shore (Pilot), Erin Gunn (Pilot) |
Producer(s) | Sal Calleros, Margo Myers Massey, Mary Rohlich (Pilot) |
Cinematography | Rene Ohashi, David Hennings (Pilot) |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 41–59 minutes |
Production company(s) | Shore Z Productions, Nemo Films, Moonshot Entertainment, Exhibit A, Sony Pictures Television, Amazon Studios |
Original network | Prime Video |
Over Sneaky Pete
Crime series created by Bryan Cranston and David Shore centering on a released convict who takes the identity of his cell mate in order to avoid his past life.
Prestaties van Sneaky Pete
Graham Yost replaced David Shore as executive producer and showrunner for the final nine episodes of season one.
Laatste informatie over Sneaky Pete bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.