Spooksville is a series of 24 children's horror fiction books by American writer Christopher Pike. All 24 books were first published between 1995 and 1998. The series is set in a remote town in the USA and revolves around the lives of five of its young inhabitants. Although intended for a younger audience than his adult and young adult fiction, they contain some violence and may be considered unsuitable for younger children. A television series based on the book was commissioned and premiered on October 26, 2013 on the Hub Network.
Over Spooksville
A young boy moves to a new town where he holds the key to a supernatural battle.
Prestaties van Spooksville
The show was nominated for 8 Young Artist Awards in 2014. The show was produced by the producer of Tuck Everlasting and Ella Enchanted.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Spooksville
Horror novel series.. Atlantis in fiction.. Hodder & Stoughton books.. American horror novels.. Series of children's books.
Laatste informatie over Spooksville bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.