Super Shore is a reality television series broadcast on MTV Spain and MTV Latin America, which follows the daily lives of nine young people who intend to spend the summer living together in different parts of southern Europe, starting on the Greek island of Mykonos and later in the Spanish city of Madrid. It is an adaptation of the American program Jersey Shore featuring participants from Gandía Shore and Acapulco Shore, the Spanish and Mexican versions of that series, along with Brazilian Igor Freitas of reality Are You the One? Brasil and the Italian Elettra Lamborghini, granddaughter of Ferruccio Lamborghini.
Genre | Reality |
Created by | MTV |
Country of origin | Spain |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 43 |
Running time | 50/55 minutes |
Distributor | Viacom International Media Networks |
Original network | MTV |
Related shows | Acapulco Shore, Jersey Shore, Floribama Shore, Warsaw Shore, Geordie Shore, The Valleys, Gandía Shore, Are You the One? Brasil, Party Down South |
Over Super Shore
Adaptation of Jersey Shore, where nine people spend the summer together across Europe. The show is partly composed of members from Gandía Shore and Acapulco Shore.
Prestaties van Super Shore
The first season of the show takes place in Mykonos, Greece and Madrid, Spain and the third season takes place in Rimini, Italy.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Super Shore
Spanish reality television series.. 2010s Spanish television series.
Laatste informatie over Super Shore bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.