The Hotwives is an American sitcom that premiered on July 15, 2014, on the video streaming website Hulu. Developed by Paramount Digital Entertainment as a parody of The Real Housewives reality television franchise broadcast on Bravo, the first season follows the lives of several fictional women residing in Orlando, Florida. The series' seven hotwives are inspired by several housewives that have been featured on installments of The Real Housewives. Season two, following a new group of ladies in Las Vegas, premiered on August 18, 2015.
Genre | Parody, Satire |
Created by | Dannah Phirman, Danielle Schneider |
Directed by | Alex Fernie |
Starring | Tymberlee Hill, Angela Kinsey, Dannah Phirman, Andrea Savage, Danielle Schneider, Casey Wilson, Kristen Schaal (season 1), Erinn Hayes (season 2) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 14 |
Executive producer(s) | Dannah Phirman, Danielle Schneider, Paul Scheer, Jonathan Stern, Charles Browne |
Running time | 23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Paramount Digital Entertainment, Abominable Pictures |
Original network | Hulu |
Over The Hotwives
Satirical comedy pointing fun at the The Real Housewives reality TV franchise with several of the hotwives being inspired by housewives.
Prestaties van The Hotwives
The first season of the show followed fictional women living in Orlando, while season two did the same for women in Las Vegas.
Top feiten die je niet wist over The Hotwives
Television shows set in Orlando, Florida.. Reality television series parodies.. Television shows set in the Las Vegas Valley.
Laatste informatie over The Hotwives bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.