Voltron: Legendary Defender is an animated mecha streaming television series produced by American companies DreamWorks Animation Television and World Events Productions and animated by South Korean studio Mir. It is a reboot of the Voltron franchise and the Japanese anime series Beast King GoLion, and its animation is a mix of anime-influenced traditional animation for characters and background and CGI for Voltron action sequences. Voltron: Legendary Defender is set in a science fiction universe where planetary energy called "quintessence" can be used to power vehicles and magic. The series follows the adventures of the Paladins of Voltron who must learn to work together to form the giant robot Voltron and use it to defeat the evil Galra Empire. The first season premiered on Netflix on June 10, 2016, and consisted of 11 episodes. The series had a 76-episode commitment from Netflix.
Genre | Action, Adventure, Science fantasy, Mecha, Comedy-drama |
Voices of | Josh Keaton, Kimberly Brooks, Steven Yeun, Jeremy Shada, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Tyler Labine, Rhys Darby, Neil Kaplan, Cree Summer, A. J. Locascio |
Opening theme | Alex Geringas |
Composer(s) | Brad Breeck |
Country of origin | United States (production), South Korea (animation) |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 8 |
No. of episodes | 78 |
Executive producer(s) | Joaquim Dos Santos, Lauren Montgomery, Ted Koplar, Bob Koplar, Yoo Jae Myung |
Producer(s) | Ki Hyun Ryu (supervising), Choi Go Un, Kim Seul Ki, Lee Soo Kyung, Kim Young Hyun (season 1−6), Han Seong Ho (season 7−8), Park Sang Ah (season 7−8) |
Running time | 23 minutes, 69 minutes (The Rise of Voltron) |
Distributor | Netflix, NBCUniversal Television Distribution |
Original network | Netflix |
Picture format | 1080p (16:9 HDTV) |
Audio format | Dolby Digital 5.1 |
Preceded by | Voltron, Voltron Force |
Netflix ID | 80075595 |
Over Voltron: Legendary Defender
Serving as a reboot of both the anime series Beast King GoLion and the Voltron franchise, the show features The Paladins of Voltron who must come together to form the robot Voltron and take down the Galra Empire.
Prestaties van Voltron: Legendary Defender
It was nominated for Best Animated Series, Teens and Tweens at the Kidscreen Awards in 2017. A comic series was announced to bridge the gap between seasons.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Voltron: Legendary Defender
Voltron.. Television series by DreamWorks Animation.. Fantasy television series.. 2010s American animated television series.
Laatste informatie over Voltron: Legendary Defender bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.