Wishenpoof! is an American-Canadian animated streaming television series about Bianca, a young fairy girl who grants children's wishes. It has been renewed for a second season. The second season was released on September 26, 2017. The series aired from February 5, 2014 to May 9, 2019.
Genre | Magical Girl, Television comedy, Action, Sci fi, Adventure, Fantasy |
Created by | Angela Santomero, David Feiss (pilot) |
Voices of | Addison Holley, Scott McCord |
Opening theme | "Believe In Me" by |
Country of origin | United States, Canada |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 39 |
Executive producer(s) | David Feiss |
Running time | 24 minutes |
Production company(s) | Amazon Studios, DHX Studios Halifax, Out of the Blue Enterprises |
Distributor | Amazon.com |
Original network | Amazon Video |
Over Wishenpoof!
A young fairy girl named Bianca goes on magical adventures and has the power to make wishes come true.
Prestaties van Wishenpoof!
The American-Canadian was created by Angela Santomero. Gilly Fogg and Cam Lizotte split the directing duties.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Wishenpoof!
2010s Canadian animated television series.. Television series by DHX Media.. 2010s American animated television series.
Laatste informatie over Wishenpoof! bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.