Game Grumps is a Let's Play web series hosted by Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan. Created in 2012 by co-hosts Hanson and Jon Jafari, the series centers around its hosts playing video games while adding comedic commentary. After Jafari left the show in 2013 to focus on his own YouTube webseries, JonTron, he was succeeded by Avidan. The YouTube channel for Game Grumps currently operates under JETPAK, a network created by Adam Montoya. Since Jafari's departure, the channel has expanded to include other hosts, besides the main two, who have floated in and out of the channel over time as a part of spin-off shows. Those include Ross O'Donovan, Barry Kramer, Suzy Berhow, and Brian Wecht, as well as various guest hosts. As of 23 February 2021, Game Grumps has over 5.39 million subscribers and over 5.7 billion total video views.
Genre | Let's Play, Improv comedy |
Created by | Arin Hanson, Jon Jafari |
Presented by | Arin Hanson (2012–present), Jon Jafari (2012–2013), Dan Avidan (2013–present) |
Theme music composer | Arin Hanson |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | 7,600+ |
Editor(s) | Ben Anderson |
Running time | 10–75 minutes |
Over Game Grumps
Let's play web series created by Arin Hanson and Jonathan Jafari. Episodes on the main YouTube channel primarily consisted of two or more hosts playing a video game and providing comedic commentary.
Prestaties van Game Grumps
After Jafari departed in 2013, Daniel Avidan of Ninja Sex Party replaced him. From 2013-2016, the channel partnered with Polaris of Maker Studios. In November of 2017, it began operating under Adam Montoya's JETPAK MCN.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Game Grumps
Game Grumps Category.. Polaris channels.. Maker Studios people.. Video game commentators.. Video game critics.. YouTube channels.
Laatste informatie over Game Grumps bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.