Joanne the Scammer, also known as Joanne Prada, is an internet character created and portrayed by comedian Branden Miller. The character gained notoriety for Miller's Twitter account, which posts from the perspective of Joanne, and Miller's Instagram account, which consists of various videos of the character of Joanne.
Created by | Branden Miller |
Portrayed by | Branden Miller |
Full name | Joanne Prada |
Aliases | Joanne the Scammer, Miss Prada |
Over Joanne the Scammer
"Mocku-series" which chronicles the misadventures of Joanne the Scammer, the alter-ego created by comedian Branden Miller.
Prestaties van Joanne the Scammer
The show debuted with an episode called "Joanne the Scammer Joins Tinder." Episodes to follow included "Joanne the Scammer Kylie Makeover," "Joanne the Scammer Takes Britain" and "Joanne The Scammer and Khadi Don in Khadi & Joanne."
Top feiten die je niet wist over Joanne the Scammer
Internet celebrities.
Laatste informatie over Joanne the Scammer bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.