Sasuke Uchiha is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime franchise created by Masashi Kishimoto. Sasuke belongs to the Uchiha clan, a notorious ninja family, and one of the most powerful, allied with Konohagakure. Most of its members were massacred by Sasuke's older brother, Itachi Uchiha, before the series began, leaving Sasuke one of the few living. Despite becoming empathetic toward his teammates Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, Sasuke's feelings of powerlessness force him to abandon his friends and his home in his quest to become stronger, and to find Orochimaru. Sasuke appears in several of the series' animated feature films and related media, including video games, original video animations, and Boruto: Naruto the Movie and its manga sequel, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, in which he is depicted as a vigilante supporting his village and a mentor to Naruto's son Boruto Uzumaki. Kishimoto conceived Sasuke as a rival of the series' title character Naruto Uzumaki.
First appearance | Naruto chapter 3: Enter Sasuke! (1999) |
Created by | Masashi Kishimoto |
Voiced by | Japanese, Noriaki Sugiyama, English, Yuri Lowenthal |
Notable relatives | Itachi Uchiha (brother, deceased), Sakura Uchiha (wife), Sarada Uchiha (daughter) |
Ninja rank | Genin in Part I |
Ninja team | Team 7 (Part I), Taka (Part II) |
About Sasuke Uchiha
Fictional character from Masashi Kishimoto's hit manga and anime series Naruto. He was a member of the infamous ninja family, the Uchiha clan. His character was driven by revenge but ultimately felt empathy towards the show's title character Naruto Uzumaki.
Achievement of Sasuke Uchiha
He is a playable character in several of the Naruto video games including the Clash of Ninja and Ultimate Ninja series.
Top Facts You Did Not Know About Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto characters.. Fictional illusionists.. Child characters in anime and manga.. Orphan characters in anime and manga.. Fictional child soldiers.. Fictional ninja.. Fictional characters with electric or magnetic abilities.. Fictional sole survivors.. Fictional characters with fire or heat abilities.. Fictional outlaws.. Fictional amputees.. Male characters in anime and manga.. Fictional assassins.. Fictional vigilantes.
Latest information about Sasuke Uchiha updated on July 28 2021.