A Castle for Christmas is a 2021 American Christmas romantic comedy film created for Netflix and directed by Mary Lambert. Its story follows bestselling American author Sophie Brown, who travels to Scotland to escape the scandal of her last book. While there, she ends up falling in love with a castle but must also face off with the ill-tempered duke who owns it. The film was released on November 26, 2021.
Diretor | Mary Lambert |
Writer(s) | Kim Beyer-Johnson, Ally Carter, Neal H. Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky |
Starring | Brooke Shields, Cary Elwes, Lee Ross, Vanessa Grasse |
Music | Jeff Rona |
Cinematography | Michael Coulter |
Edited by | Suzy Elmiger |
Production, company | Motion Picture Corporation of America |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | November 26, 2021 |
Running time | 98 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Sobre A Castle for Christmas
A best-selling author runs off to Scotland to avoid a brewing scandal. While she is away she falls head-over-heels for a castle and faces off against the Duke who owns it. The film was directed by Mary Lambert.
Conquista de A Castle for Christmas
Original music for the picture was composed by Jeff Rona. Dalmeny House was used as the film's fictitious Dun Dunbar Castle.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre A Castle for Christmas
Films set in Scotland.
Últimas informações sobre A Castle for Christmas atualizado em 30 de Novembro, 2021.