Backlight image


Running Time
90 Minutes
22 July, 2010

A backlight is a form of illumination used in liquid crystal displays. As LCDs do not produce light by themselves—unlike, for example, cathode ray tube displays—they need illumination to produce a visible image. Backlights illuminate the LCD from the side or back of the display panel, unlike frontlights, which are placed in front of the LCD. Backlights are used in small displays to increase readability in low light conditions such as in wristwatches, and are used in smart phones, computer displays and LCD televisions to produce light in a manner similar to a CRT display. A review of some early backlighting schemes for LCDs is given in a report Engineering and Technology History by Peter J. Wild. Simple types of LCDs such as in pocket calculators are built without an internal light source, requiring external light sources to convey the display image to the user. Most LCD screens, however, are built with an internal light source. Such screens consist of several layers.

Sobre Backlight

Strangers who are each at critical stages of their lives are pulled towards an uncharted lake in the middle of the desert where they all have the opportunity to save each other.

Conquista de Backlight

It was the second highest-grossing Portuguese film in 2010.

Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Backlight

Liquid crystal displays.. Light sources.. Types of lamp.

Últimas informações sobre Backlight atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.