The Lion King is a 1994 American animated musical drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 32nd Disney animated feature film, and the fifth animated film produced during a period known as the Disney Renaissance. The Lion King was directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff, produced by Don Hahn, and has a screenplay credited to Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts, and Linda Woolverton. Its original songs were written by composer Elton John and lyricist Tim Rice, with a score by Hans Zimmer. The film features an ensemble voice cast that includes Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Irons, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Moira Kelly, Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Rowan Atkinson, Robert Guillaume, Madge Sinclair, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, and Jim Cummings. The story takes place in a kingdom of lions in Africa and was influenced by the Biblical stories of Joseph and Moses, and William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Diretor | Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff |
Produced by | Don Hahn |
Screenplay by | Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts, Linda Woolverton |
Story by | Brenda Chapman, Barry Johnson, Andy Gaskill, Kevin Harkey, Tom Sito, Rick Maki, Burny Mattinson, Lorna Cook, Gary Trousdale, Jorgen Klubien |
Starring | Matthew Broderick, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Irons, Moira Kelly, Niketa Calame, Ernie Sabella, Nathan Lane, Robert Guillaume, Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, Jim Cummings, Madge Sinclair |
Music | Hans Zimmer |
Edited by | Ivan Bilancio |
Production, company | Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Distributed by | Buena Vista Pictures |
Released | June 15, 1994 (United States) |
Running time | 88 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $45 million |
Box office | $968.5 million |
Netflix ID | 60029890 |
Sobre The Lion King
Young Simba leaves his home after the death of his father and eventually returns to unseat the tyrant Scar from his rightful throne. It was the 32nd Disney animated feature film. It won two Academy Awards for its achievement in music.
Conquista de The Lion King
The movie is based off of Shakespeare's play Hamlet. The movie was adapted into a Broadway hit of the same name which has won over 15 awards.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Lion King
Cultural depictions of lions - Cultural depictions of lions are known in European, African and Asian countries. The lion has been an important symbol to humans for tens of thousands of years. The earliest graphic representations feature lions as organized hunters with great strength, strategies, and skills.. Films produced by Don Hahn.. Disney Renaissance.. 3D re-releases.. Films directed by Rob Minkoff.. Best Animated Feature Annie Award winners.. Films based on Hamlet.. Walt Disney Animation Studios films.. Films directed by Roger Allers.. Hyenas in popular culture.. Animated coming-of-age films.. Best Musical or Comedy Picture Golden Globe winners.. Films that won the Best Original Song Academy Award.. Fratricide in fiction.. Films that won the Best Original Score Academy Award.. Animated drama films.. 1990s American animated films.. Films about royalty.. American epic films.. 1990s adventure films.. Films set in Africa.. IMAX films.. Films adapted into comics.. Walt Disney Pictures films.
Últimas informações sobre The Lion King atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.