Eren Yeager, named Eren Jaeger in the subtitled and dubbed versions of the anime, is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Attack on Titan manga series created by Hajime Isayama. Eren is a teenager who swears revenge on enormous creatures known as Titans that devoured his mother and destroyed his town in the Shiganshina district in Wall Maria. In order to defeat the Titans, Eren enlists in the Military and join the Survey Corps—an elite group of soldiers who fight Titans outside the walls and also study the physiology of Titans in order to know what they are fighting. As the story progresses, Eren gains the power of becoming a Titan later identified as "Attack Titan". Eren uses this power to give Humanity an advantage to defeat their enemies while learning of their true identity and their own history. He has also appeared in other related media including anime and video games.
First appearance | Attack on Titan chapter 1: "To You, 2,000 Years from Now" (2010) |
Last appearance | Attack on Titan chapter 139: "Toward the Tree on That Hill" (2021) |
Created by | Hajime Isayama |
Portrayed by | Haruma Miura |
Voiced by | Japanese, Yuki Kaji, English, Bryce Papenbrook |
Relatives | Carla Yeager (mother), Grisha Yeager (father), Zeke Yeager (half-brother), Mr. Yeager (grandfather), Mrs. Yeager (grandmother), Faye Yeager (aunt) |
Sobre Eren Yeager
Protagonist of Hajime Isayama's hit manga and anime series Attack on Titan. He is a teenager out for revenge against massive beings called Titans after they ate his mother. He enlists in an elite arm of the military known as the Survey Corps to fight the Titans beyond the city walls.
Conquista de Eren Yeager
He also made an appearance in the Attack on Titan parody manga Attack on Titan: Junior High. His character is featured in the mobile game Granblue Fantasy.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Eren Yeager
Attack on Titan.. Fictional avatars.. Fictional characters who can change size.. Orphan characters in anime and manga.. Fictional child soldiers.. Fictional terrorists.. Fictional characters with precognition.. Male characters in anime and manga.
Últimas informações sobre Eren Yeager atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.