All My Children is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 5, 1970, to September 23, 2011, and on The Online Network from April 29 to September 2, 2013, via Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes. Created by Agnes Nixon, All My Children is set in Pine Valley, Pennsylvania, a fictional suburb of Philadelphia, which is modeled on the actual Philadelphia suburb of Rosemont. The original series featured Susan Lucci as Erica Kane, one of daytime television's most popular characters. The title of the series refers to the bonds of humanity. All My Children was the first new network daytime drama to debut in the 1970s. Originally owned by Creative Horizons, Inc., the company created by Nixon and her husband, Bob, the show was sold to ABC in January 1975. The series started at a half-hour in per-installment length, then was expanded to a full hour on April 25, 1977.
Genre | Soap opera, Drama |
Created by | Agnes Nixon |
Written by | See below |
Directed by | Jill Ackles, Larry Auerbach, James A. Baffico, Jack Coffey, Jean Dadario Burke, Conal O'Brien, Casey Childs, Christopher Goutman, Sherrell Hoffman, Del Hughes, Henry Kaplan, Andrew Lee, Robert Scinto, Susan Simon, Diana B. Wenman, Anthony Pascarelli, Steven Williford, Christopher Goutman, Angela Tessinari, Michael V. Pomarico, Sonia Blangiardo, Habib Azar |
Starring | Series cast |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | ABC: 10,712 (television), TOLN: 43 (internet and television), Total: 10,755 |
Executive producer(s) | Agnes Nixon (1970–1982), Bud Kloss (1970–1978), Jorn Winther (1978–1982), Jacqueline Babbin (1982–1986), Jorn Winther (1986–1987), Stephen Schenkel (1987–1989), Felicia Minei Behr (1989–1996), Francesca James (1996–1998), Jean Dadario Burke (1998–2003), Julie Hanan Carruthers (2003–2011), Ginger Smith (2013), Jeffrey Kwatinetz (2013), Richard Frank (2013) |
Camera setup | Multiple-camera setup |
Production company(s) | Creative Horizons, Inc. (1970–1975), ABC (1975–2011), Prospect Park (2013) |
Distributor | ABC (1970–2011), The Online Network (2013) |
Original network | ABC (1970–2011), The Online Network (2013) |
Picture format | NTSC (1970–2010), HDTV 720p (2010–2011, 2013) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Related shows | The City, General Hospital, Loving, One Life to Live |
Sobre All My Children
Following the intertwining relationships between people in the affluent community of Pine Valley, Pennsylvania. The show had a one year run on The Online Network in 2013 after finishing its run on ABC in 2011.
Conquista de All My Children
The show originally ran for 40 years on ABC. The show won 28 Daytime Emmys during its run.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre All My Children
All My Children Category.. Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series winners.. Internet soap operas.. Television series created by Agnes Nixon.. Television shows set in Pennsylvania.. Alcohol abuse in television.. Companies based in Stamford, Connecticut.. Television series by Disney–ABC Domestic Television.. American television soap operas.. 2000s American drama television series.. American web series.
Últimas informações sobre All My Children atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.