Blue Peter is a British children's television magazine programme created by John Hunter Blair. Blue Peter is the longest-running children's TV show in the world, having been broadcast since October 1958. It was broadcast primarily from BBC Television Centre in London until September 2011, when the programme moved to dock10 studios at MediaCityUK in Salford, Greater Manchester. It is currently shown live on the CBBC television channel on Thursdays at 5pm. Following its original creation, the programme was later developed by a BBC team led by Biddy Baxter; she became the programme editor in 1965, relinquishing the role in 1988. Throughout the show's history there have been 40 presenters; currently, it is hosted by Lindsey Russell, Richie Driss, Mwaka Mudenda, and Adam Beales. In July 2021 Lindsey will retire after eight years on the show. Consequently, the show will be presented by Richie Driss, Mwaka Mudenda, and Adam Beales. The show used a nautical title and theme.
Genre | Factual, Entertainment |
Created by | John Hunter Blair |
Presented by | Lindsey Russell (2013–2021), Richie Driss (2019–), Mwaka Mudenda (2020–), Adam Beales (2020–), (See full list) |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | 5,173 as of 24 June 2021 |
Location(s) | BBC Lime Grove Studios (1958-1960), BBC Television Centre (1960-2011), dock10 studios (2011–current) |
Running time | 15 minutes (1958–1960s), 25 minutes (1960s–2008), 35 minutes (2005–2006, CBBC Channel Extension), 24 minutes (2008–2011), 28 minutes (2012–), 60 minutes (Birthday specials and documentaries) |
Original network | BBC Television Service (1958–1960), BBC TV (1960–1964), BBC1 (1964–2012), CBBC (1985–present), CBBC HD (2013–) |
Sobre Blue Peter
Long-running British children's show where presenters teach kids important life lessons. The show is the longest-running children's TV show in the world as of 2017.
Conquista de Blue Peter
Lindsey Russell and Radzi Chinyanganya began presenting the show in 2013. The series moved from BBC One to the CBBC Channel in 2012.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Blue Peter
Blue Peter Category.. BBC - The British Broadcasting Corporation is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom.. CBBC - CBBC is a British free-to-air children's television channel owned and operated by the BBC and the brand used for all BBC content for children aged 6 to 12.. Go With Noakes - Go With Noakes was a BBC Television children's programme, broadcast between 28 March 1976 and 21 December 1980.. Duncan Dares - Duncan Dares was a BBC Television children's programme that was first broadcast between 24 April 1985 and 2 June 1987.. Junior Magazine - Junior Magazine was a TV programme for teenagers, which ran for 7 years on CBC Television's coast to coast network, seen Sundays from 2-3 p.m.. BAFTA winners (television series).. 2000s British children's television series.
Últimas informações sobre Blue Peter atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.