House of Payne is an American sitcom television series created and produced by Tyler Perry that premiered in syndication on June 21, 2006. The series would eventually be retooled and aired on TBS from June 6, 2007, until August 10, 2012. The series revolves around a multi-generational family living under one roof in Atlanta led by patriarch Curtis Payne and his wife Ella. While primarily a comedy, with elements of slapstick, House of Payne was known for featuring dark themes and subject matter, such as substance abuse and addiction. The show is also heavily serialized, with many references to past episodes, creating a continuing story arc. Reaching 254 episodes upon the conclusion of its eighth season, House of Payne has aired more episodes than any other television series with a predominantly African American cast, surpassing The Jeffersons with 253 episodes, Family Matters with 215 episodes, and The Cosby Show with 202 episodes.
Created by | Tyler Perry |
Presented by | Tyler Perry |
Starring | Allen Payne, LaVan Davis, Cassi Davis, Lance Gross, Doc Shaw, China Anne McClain, Denise Burse, Demetria McKinney, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Palmer Williams Jr, Ahmarie Holmes, Quin Walters, Terayle Hill |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 10 |
No. of episodes | 283 |
Executive producer(s) | Tyler Perry |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 20–23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Tyler Perry Studios, Georgia Media, BET Original Productions |
Distributor | ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks |
Original network | TBS (2007–12) (Seasons 1–8), BET (2020–present) (Season 9–present) |
Followed by | The Paynes |
Related shows | Meet the Browns, Love Thy Neighbor, Assisted Living |
Sobre House of Payne
Sitcom about different generations of the same family living under the same roof. The show was created by Tyler Perry.
Conquista de House of Payne
The show aired for eight seasons and a total of 254 episodes. A pin-off called The Paynes is slated to air in 2018.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre House of Payne
Television series created by Tyler Perry.. Television shows set in Atlanta.. Television series by Lionsgate Television.. Television series about families.
Últimas informações sobre House of Payne atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.