Express Weekly was a British children's comic magazine, published between 1954 and 1962 under a variety of names. The publication was similar in format to the popular children's comic Eagle: tabloid with photogravure colour, with a mixture of comic strips and features.
Publisher | Beaverbrook (1954–1960), City Magazines (1960–1962) |
Schedule | Weekly |
Format | Ongoing series |
Genre | Adventure, Children's, Science fiction |
Publication date | 4 Sept. 1954 – 13 Jan. 1962 |
Number of issues | 375 |
Writer(s) | Mike Butterworth, Dave Wood |
Artist(s) | Bruce Cornwall, Ron Embleton, Jack Kirby, Mike Noble, Terence Patrick, Ferdinando Tacconi, Mike Western |
Sobre Junior Express
Disney Channel Latin America children's series in which captain Diego Topa and crew give recitals at different stations on a monorail called the Junior Express.
Conquista de Junior Express
Diego Topa also created and produced the Argentine show. Guests of the series have included Santiago Stieben, Alfredo Allende, Mercedes Funes and many others.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Junior Express
British comics titles.. British comic strips.
Últimas informações sobre Junior Express atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.