Ladies of London was an American reality television series that premiered on June 2, 2014, and aired on Bravo. The series chronicled the lives of six women who reside in London, United Kingdom, as they balance their social lives, businesses, and families. The series originally focused on Juliet Angus, Caprice Bourret, Marissa Hermer, Annabelle Neilson, Noelle Reno and Caroline Stanbury. The final cast consisted of Angus, Caroline Stanbury, Julie Montagu, Caroline Fleming and Sophie Stanbury. Of the original cast members, Bourret and Reno departed after the first season, and Neilson left at the conclusion of the second. Montagu and Fleming joined the cast in the second season, and Sophie Stanbury in the third. In March 2015, Bravo renewed Ladies of London for a second season, which premiered on September 7, 2015. In April 2016, the show was renewed for a third season. On May 31, 2017, Julie Montagu confirmed that the show has been cancelled.
Genre | Reality television |
Starring | Annabelle Neilson, Caprice Bourret, Caroline Stanbury, Juliet Angus, Marissa Hermer, Noelle Reno, Julie Montagu, Caroline Fleming, Sophie Stanbury |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 29 |
Executive producer(s) | Omid Kahangi, Jane Tranter, Travis Shakespeare |
Location(s) | London, United Kingdom |
Camera setup | Multiple |
Production company(s) | Adjacent Productions |
Original network | Bravo |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Sobre Ladies of London
Britain socialites and American expats travel the fashion world. Caprice Bourret and Noelle Reno left the show after the first season. The show was cancelled in May 2017.
Conquista de Ladies of London
Actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers appears in the season one episode "Mad as a Hatter."
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Ladies of London
Television shows set in London.
Últimas informações sobre Ladies of London atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.