Life Bites is a British adaptation of the Disney Channel Italy Original Series Life Bites - Pillole di vita on Disney Channel Italy. It premiered on 6 September 2008. The show series looks at the everyday adventures of Chloe and Harvey, who are brother and sister and their relationships with family and friends. Each episode looks at variety of themes including school, dating, sport and music. The school which they attend is filmed at Brentside High School in Hanwell, West London.
Sobre Life Bites
British series that follows the adventures of brother and sister Harvey and Chloe, and their relationships with family and friends.
Conquista de Life Bites
Adaptation of the Italian series Life Bites - Pillole di vita.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Life Bites
Disney Channel shows.
Últimas informações sobre Life Bites atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.