Maalaala Mo Kaya, also known as Memories, is a Philippine television drama anthology show broadcast by Kapamilya Channel under ABS-CBN Entertainment. Hosted by Charo Santos-Concio, it premiered on May 15, 1991. It has become the longest-running drama anthology in Philippine television and in the world, reaching its 25th year in 2016. The program features weekly real-life stories or anecdotes of common people or even famous celebrities and personalities through letter sending. The series has a counterpart radio program being broadcast on DZMM called "Maalaala Mo Kaya sa DZMM", a paperback adaptation and a comic book adaptation under Mango Comics & Sterling.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | ABS-CBN Corporation |
Written by | Various |
Directed by | Various |
Presented by | Charo Santos-Concio |
Theme music composer | Constancio de Guzman |
Ending theme | "Maalaala Mo Kaya" by Dulce (1991–2004) / Carol Banawa (2004–present) |
Country of origin | Philippines |
Original language(s) | Filipino |
No. of seasons | 29 |
No. of episodes | 200+ |
Executive producer(s) | Laurenti M. Dyogi, Ruel S. Bayani |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Star Creatives (1991–2018), RSB Scripted Format (2019–present) |
Original network | ABS-CBN (May 15, 1991 – May 2, 2020), Kapamilya Channel (June 13, 2020 – present), Kapamilya Online Live (August 1, 2020 – present), A2Z (October 24, 2020 – present) |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
Sobre Maalaala Mo Kaya
Charo Santos-Concio narrates real stories from ordinary people.
Conquista de Maalaala Mo Kaya
This is the longest-running drama on Phillipino television.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Maalaala Mo Kaya
Maalaala Mo Kaya Category.. Coney Reyes on Camera - Coney Reyes on Camera was a weekly drama anthology that aired from May 19, 1984 to December 26, 1998 on RPN and ABS-CBN. It was the longest running drama anthology of its time in Philippine TV history until Maalaala Mo Kaya broke the record in 2006.. Philippine anthology television series.. ABS-CBN television drama filmed in high definition.. Star Cinema films.
Últimas informações sobre Maalaala Mo Kaya atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.