Our Little Family is an American reality television series that premiered on the TLC cable network, on February 17, 2015. The series revolves around the Hamill family: a family of five that live with dwarfism. The family consists of parents Dan and Michelle, their son Jack, and fraternal twins CeCe and Cate.
Genre | Reality television |
Starring | Dan Hamill, Michelle Hamill, Jack Hamill, Cate Hamill, CeCe Hamill, Eliezer Rodas Co-Estrella |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 17 |
Running time | 21–42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Discovery Studios |
Original network | TLC |
Sobre Our Little Family
A family full of little people do their best to make their way through the world. The family consists of Dan, Michelle, Jack, and fraternal twins CeCe and Cate.
Conquista de Our Little Family
The show ran for two seasons and aired a total of 17 episodes.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Our Little Family
Works about dwarfism.. Television series about families.
Últimas informações sobre Our Little Family atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.