Pushing Daisies is an American comedy television series created by Bryan Fuller that aired on ABC from October 3, 2007, to June 13, 2009. The series stars Lee Pace as Ned, a pie-maker with the ability to bring dead things back to life with his touch, an ability that comes with stipulations. Together with his formerly deceased childhood crush Chuck, private investigator Emerson Cod and co-worker Olive Snook, Ned uses his abilities to solve murder cases. The cast also includes Ellen Greene, Swoosie Kurtz and Field Cate, with Jim Dale acting as narrator. Touted as a "forensic fairy tale", the series is known for its unusual visual style, eccentric production design, quirky characters, fast-paced dialogue and grotesque situations. The series often uses wordplay, metaphor and double entendre, while Jim Dale's narration is very similar to that of a fairytale. The series received critical acclaim and won numerous awards.
Genre | Comedy-drama, Black comedy, Fantasy, Mystery |
Created by | Bryan Fuller |
Starring | Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Chi McBride, Field Cate, Ellen Greene, Swoosie Kurtz, Kristin Chenoweth |
Narrated by | Jim Dale |
Composer(s) | Jim Dooley |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 22 |
Executive producer(s) | Bryan Fuller, Barry Sonnenfeld, Dan Jinks, Bruce Cohen, Brooke Kennedy, Peter Ocko |
Running time | 42 minutes |
Production company(s) | The Jinks/Cohen Company, Living Dead Guy Productions, Warner Bros. Television |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Television Distribution |
Original network | ABC |
Picture format | 720p (HDTV) |
Sobre Pushing Daisies
Ned has the ability to give life to the dead and uses it to question them about their killers. He accidentally brings back an old love but learns if he touches her, she will become dead for good.
Conquista de Pushing Daisies
The film was nominated for seven Emmy Awards and won for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series in 2008 (Barry Sonnenfeld) and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2009.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Pushing Daisies
Ned (Pushing Daisies) - Ned, also referred to as"The Piemaker," is the protagonist of the ABC television series, Pushing Daisies, and is portrayed by Lee Pace. Ned works as a pie maker at his restaurant The Pie Hole. He also has the ability to resurrect the dead with a single touch.. Television series set in restaurants.. Resurrection in fiction.. Zombies in television.. 2000s American crime television series.. Emmy Award-winning programs.. Television shows set in the United States.. American fantasy television series.
Últimas informações sobre Pushing Daisies atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.